Any site offering more than 3 cookies (upon login/action, 0 otherwise) immediately loses the privilege.
Shitposting at the speed of light. I have the power of God and anime on my side. … That should probably be a pop song or something.
Any site offering more than 3 cookies (upon login/action, 0 otherwise) immediately loses the privilege.
All of which I can safely assume is effectively unenforceable.
Sounds like a bad browser. Lynx lets you accept/reject each cookie individually.
You can just not accept cookies.
I am not.
The power was always in the client’s hands.
lmao, even
The power was always in the client’s hands.
GDPR was a mistake
phonebloks when
It only takes one user for an instance to not be empty. Every bit of decentralisation adds resilience to the whole. But more decentralisation adds more resilience, so let’s try to spread out the communities and users.
wc3 has better maps