I’m pretty sure they know they will never be able to “fix” the car, so they just hope that people give up.
I’m pretty sure they know they will never be able to “fix” the car, so they just hope that people give up.
If i ever wan tto know what Natalie Portman ate for breakfast, i’ll walk into the ocean
So he’s just breaking? What a silly thing to claim. I bet he’s not even regening a lot. When i ride up a mountain until my battery is down to 40% or so and ride down i regenerate around 1% or something. It might even be in the 0.6% or something
I think it just means that his boy elon van do whatever he wants with his shitty ai
Yeah, same with sugar, cigarettes and alcohol. Give these children what they want.
But it has a apple logo and it browses facebook just fine.
Why would you run a lightbulb 24/7?
I wonder if they do the monkey writing shakespeare experiment but with code. If you keep letting it write code, something has to come out of it.
I like the idea of crypto, vut i hate crypto bros.
Something kinda funny about people in the netherlands not caring about climate change.
Why would anyone even eat there?
It’s norway, so that’s kinda pointless
You burn a witch and pray.
The tradition to fill landfills with plastic skeletons
How do you ruin something that was toxic garbage before.
I see a lot of construction companies sport like one raptor or other silly ass pick-up truck. But not for the workers, they use buses, obviously. The raptor is always clean and. Is just for the boss to cruise around and he can still claim he needs it to get to construction sites.
This is still so weird to me. Couldn’t they even lie right? Use a plastic window just for that car. Apparently it doesn’t matter to tesla customers that the end product is shit.
Man, i actually have in a little riverboat in kenya. It’s absolutely terrifying. There were some other tourists on the boat who treated it like a circus show the hippo did for them. They cheered every time it jumped out of the water getting closer and closer. I was sitting very close to the boat captain, who was sweating bullets.
When toy story came out, i saw this toy story pc game. I put all my money together just to then find out that it wasn’t a game, it was a cd rom with like 12 wallpapers on it.
People always clown on BMW drivers, Tessholes are the absolute worst.