With a user base as big as chrome you would have to look for ways to lose money.
With a user base as big as chrome you would have to look for ways to lose money.
Maybe force them to give it to Mozilla since they are the primary ones that are hurting from googlopoly?
I always have issues with dns blocking so I tried something sneaky I redirected all DNS requests to and it worked brilliantly, for about a month when it stopped working all together, I don’t know if a cache was wiped or google saw what I was doing and made a special exception just for me, obviously I want to believe I’m a special snowflake taking the world’s largest internet company head on in an epic battle of wits and skill but I think the cache thing might be more likely for some reason.
But dad, I wanted the 10gbps model with sfp+ Fiber support!!!
Hon, you don’t even use the 1gbps we have at home.
That’s not the point having a larger bandwidth on the server end removes bottlenecks to multiple simultaneous clients!
You kids with your new words, that’s Skibidi toilet Ohio Rizz alright.
The whole thing is on the blockchain its a WEB 3.0 phenomenon using Quantum Computing Running on fusion power.
I used to be out of bed and in the car in 5 minutes flat, I don’t know if it because I’m old or I finally noticed I stink but now it takes an hour minimum.
What? I was taking the shortest route to save money, besides it’s a rental.
Ladies and gentlemen, our new CEO.
No! Fucj you! I should have known the minute Microsoft started making you log in to use notepad windows was dead but this is unacceptable, note pad has exactly one purpose, to be as simple as possible. If I want Ai I will use any of a thousand other programs but keep my notepad sacred!
Technically you use more power if you emulate, both electrical power and processing power.
That’s a surprise usually windows updates make things worse.
Why can’t these rules apply to everyone always?
Nobody point how much Email sucks!
If, I have learned anything from YouTube it’s that if a multi trillion dollar international mega conglomerate doesn’t want you to have it, no matter how impossible it may seem they can stop you from getting it they just need enough market incentives.
This could just be one small step in a much larger plan or it could be placating the United States government whose to say.
One is a full grown woman who had her picture taken 20 years ago the other is a cat that will die before this meme does.
It was long ago enough to forget what the hell I was talking about but I think you are correct if he can’t, he can’t and I said can, I think it was a typo.
Not gonna change it just in case I was more profound than I realized, either way it is literally written in code so technically correct.
It’s a paradox If he can come in he can come in if he can’t come in he can, But he can’t come in unless she says he can come in and she said he can come in conditionally if he in fact can come in.
To put it another way:
Condition 1: Entry is permitted on the grounds that Entry is permitted.
Condition 2: Entry is permitted on the ground Entry is permitted.
In Python:
define Entry(permission):
if Entry(permission) == True:
permission = True
permission = False
IBM can be trusted, lol how easily history forgets.
Involvement with Nazi Germany: During the 1930s and early 1940s.
Apartheid-era South Africa
Antitrust issues, In the 1970s, IBM was the subject of a major antitrust lawsuit by the U.S. government.
disposal of hazardous waste from manufacturing facilities.
outsourcing of jobs to other countries.
IBM has faced multiple lawsuits and investigations for age discrimination.
lobbying for government surveillance .
They look like humans, I don’t Think Irobot invented humans.
It’s baffling how fast they fell, since they had a monopoly for ~20 years.